96BlackSE, you are definitely coming across as a sanctimonious jerk. You??d do better to spend your time enjoying your car and finding a cause that??s worthy of your attention because this one is not worth the damage it is doing you.

If the quality of these headers is poor, that will become apparent and no-one will buy them. Otherwise arguments like ??well it just isn??t right never hold much weight in the long run.

I would bet you??ve never designed, built and tried to sell anything in your life. If you had, you would give other people EVERY benefit of the doubt.

You think I or anyone else gives a damn about quote:??which third world country these were made.?

As long as they weren??t made in France I could care less!

Last edited by JEDsContour; 03/06/03 04:43 AM.

99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 20K miles, "Nice Twin" (factory stock). 99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 28K miles, "Evil Twin" (Turbo AER 3L and more in progress) 96 Red LX, Opal Grey Leather 2.5L, ATX, 22K miles