Originally posted by bk4293:
The bottom of the back seat pulls right up

Um..... it didnt just "pull right up", i pulled it w/ alot of force and the right side wouldnt come up, so i kept pullin and pullin, finally i heard like a crunching rip sound....im like wtf? what happend was that the wire inside the bottom seat to connect it to the car ripped out of the foam seat halfway!!!! im omg wtf!!! but i popped it back in and its secure a little bit... i was pissed. but the other side came out w/ some force and something on the white clip that the wire to the seat goes in broke. so that side is sorta lose now...im like damn this sure freakin sucked! but i dont care, i dont sit back there. lol. eventually ill probably get a new 1. so a word of advice...be careful

'99 ČoňtôúŔ SE Kenwood KDC-MPV7019 AudioBahn AW1206T Flame Q Sub AudioBahn 1300HCQ Amp Blue LED Switches and HVAC