All I got to say is that it wasn't me that hit you.

Just thought I would let everyone know that I locked in the use of my Mom's digicam for the meet. It is not the greatest cam in the world (2 megapixel), but I know that I can lock in about 50 to 60 shots anyway. To do higher quality shots, we are talking about 20 to 30 shots. I'll go for higher quality! I know someone else has a cam of some kind as well.

I know that the camera will not work on my laptop, so if we could use Richards puter to upload them that would be cool. Not to worry about internet Rich, I have access that I can use. Small configuration here, config there and BOOM! Go Time!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime