Originally posted by sosaudio1:
We will have fun! Oh and Joe and Hector, nice exhaust sounds! Hector...nice launch of the line. Joe, dude, were you trying to hide??? Noticed you driving around some streets in the background after your radar detector went off. Kinda sounds like something I would do! LOL


hide from what???? we were in the town I live in I can drive by a cop doing 20 over and they will wave me by.... lets put it this way though when I shifted out of second I was over 65mph is a 50 and was already in 3rd and after the detector stopped I took her all the way to 7250rpm and then went to 4th gear, and then hit the brakes HARD for the red light I was coming up on

2003 Subaru WRX some mods Even if you don't have the answer, you certainly have to admire the problem. aka ZetecRacing