Bring it on!!!! EVERYONE CAN COME!!!! Bring your friends!!! Bring your family!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! Bring your tools!!!! LOL

Again like I said earlier, those of you thinking of coming down to stay in Nashville, Nashville is a cool place to go and hang out and eat and whatever, but do realize, prices for hotels and such are more expensive than here in Huntspatch just a few hours away. We will be organizing a caravan of cars going out in the morning of the meet on the 26th!!!! We have about 5 plus cars, yes Hector you and Joe are coming, that are going up.

About the day before: On the 25th, we will be doing the clean-up, mod-up, eat-up and be ready to drive up. If you guys are interested in the eat-up, just help out with the food. IE couple bucks or pocket change for meat and such for the BBQ. Now granted, the house is not real big so just plan on this being an outside deal....remember, mod-up, clean-up etc! And oh yeah, no booze. Need you freakheads to be 100% on the way up. If you want to get sloppy, you can lata.

Also, tenative, may be another meet coming...
Go here for more info

May 25-27...yup Memorial day weekend, Point Mallard Park, Decatur Alabama! What happens is they have a classic car/muscle car show on the saturday of the event. It starts in the morning and lasts until early evening. This is very cool! It has as you will see on the website, hot air balloons everyday of the event, concerts - local groups, big area for picnics and BBQ and a whole lot of fun. Check out the website, if you guys are game, I may form a group and call them to see how much it would cost for a whole lot of Contiques to show up and hang out.

But again first things first! LETS ROCK NASHVILLE and then conquer Decatur! I think you would like it....


'04 Ecotec Cavi 140hp/150tq Fabbed intake. Header Coming, DRL's disabled, X-Drilled/slotted rotors coming....Man you really are fast. You were hauling a$$ when I passed you RB&LB causing problems in Huntsville