Originally posted by thisgirls98.5SVT:
Originally posted by Ed98.5SVT:
Originally posted by thisgirls98.5SVT:
Originally posted by thisgirls98.5SVT:
Quiet system with 3.5in tips!!
You can view my album here.

Check out the album again. I took some pics of underneath the car. You can see the brackets and the extention I was talking about.

Dumb question... In picture 29 it seems that you still have the stock resonator on there????? Did you tell them to do that. This would explain why you did not notice a sound difference. Am I just seeing things??? It sure doesn't look like the main cat.

As far as I know the stock resonator was removed before I purchased the car. I dunno! So are you guys saying that my exhaust should look like that? I'm confused now!

Don't mean to confuse you. All I am saying is that your muffler hangers on your car are in a different location than the muffler hangers on my car and they are only 3 months apart.

And I still think there is some sort of muffler towards the front of your system in picture 29. It looks like the shape of the stock resonator, but it could be a replacement.

1998.5 E1 SVT Contour #5482/6535