OK guys here is the plan:

Every who is in this Group Buy MUST call Performance Fords ASAP if you havent already talked to him. This is not for billing. He wants to start making them now so we can have our systems as soon as possible.

So I need every one who has not call PF to call and just tell them the the type of system they want. This meens telling him Loud or Quiet and the tip size, mufflers pollished.............

But this is to everyones benefit(spelling?). You don't have to give him the billing information if your not ready, but he wants to start building the systems all at once(the reason we get them cheaper ). So get calling. The number is:


And if you don't get him you MUST leave a voicemail with your contact informaiton so he can get back in touch with you. Thanks guys. This isn't one of those Group Buys that doesn't move . We'll have our systems as soon as he makes them and thats how all of my future GBs(if I have any) will work. Thanks

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