Originally posted by LoCoZeTeC2.0:
Originally posted by NavyZX5:
I had a real good time, even with the wrong spark plug wires. Pizza was good and glad I got to watch a movie I wanted to see.

I was going to plan a mini-meet at the Schaumburg Hooter's with Justin (Ranger guy) in mid March, weather permitting. It can be a regular meet, too. March 16th or 23rd?, prefer 23rd since it's less of chance of cold/snow.

Good idea!

I wanna go.... I'm goint to see if i can get the 23rd off of work. It's just so hard to get Sundays off for me.
Hopefully by then I'll have the Eibachs already put on my car.

www.ChicagoCEG.com 2006 White Grand Prix