MIke? now you decide to make these for our cars right after i ordered one also you should consider making headers for the contour jsut becuase it would fit all the yrs contours (svt and non svt) Just post and ask how many ppl would be interested in the headers for our cars! and see what the market demand is... i'm thinking if the price is right...ppl would def be interested!

Another note i would like to apologize to you MIke and behave of all these lil kids and know nothjing about you or ur company and basically wanna be dickheads and insult you and/or your product which they both know nothing about.. For you guys out there that wanna be bitchass crackheads and insult a man trying to help us out...you really have a problem and grow up.... Mike is a good guy (i talked to him a couple of times already) he is just like me and you...

A car enthusist sorry but i can;t spell but u know what i mean

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