Hey Bandit, RELAX. I am one of the guys who bought this system and I definitely know that I got a bargain.

You guys designed and built a damn decent product and after reading through all the posts, I for one believe that you are bending over to make it available to our group FIRST at a discount.

There will always be a few guys who don't know a good deal and like to pick on little things like computerized price listing errors AND stoop to making personal insults.

But, there are also plenty more who know the wisdom of encouraging quality vendors to take an interest in our favorite Ford cars and offer us an opportunity to buy decent aftermarket equipment at a discount.

So to anyone who cares, I know that BANDIT is one of the good guys and if you want to criticize his product(s), well that's fine. But if you insist on personally insulting him over some stupid listing error he has nothing to do with then you do us all a disservice and lower the overall entertainment level of this group.


99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 20K miles, "Nice Twin" (factory stock). 99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 28K miles, "Evil Twin" (Turbo AER 3L and more in progress) 96 Red LX, Opal Grey Leather 2.5L, ATX, 22K miles