Originally posted by Swazo:
OK, maybe they aren't projectors, but the Hella 90mm H9 high beams

Ok then. I was about to be very upset.

Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
why didn't you guys go with quad projectors because when I used my high beams its simply amazing , kinda like two policecar spotlights!

Personally, I tried every way possible to make the 90mm lows work as highs. I was just unhappy with the results. Their range didnt seem to be able to keep up with my stock highs, and that was a requirement for me. Having quad projectors, while it did look really cool, wasnt worth the drawback as I saw it. If Hella had intended them to be highs, they would have made a dedicated module. Anyway, these are the 90mm highs in action:

Highs and lows, no foggies:

Highs only. The hotspot is due to a slight dip in the road.

Doing the lamps like Milan did gave me two half snowball shapes above the cutoff of the lows. That was good and all, but it also gave me two, very overpowering stripes directly in front of the car.

Ok, Im done hijacking the thread.

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