Originally posted by drajen:
What kinda of material are the guages being printed on, are they multi layer, or front to back, or just solid one side, glued layers?

It took MANY tries on Bryans end to get my gauges perfect... like Bnoon said in another thread, hundreds of dollars went into prototyping to make mine a reality.. He finally has it all down on making perfect gauge faces.. To be honest there were some serious backlighting issues for several of his tries.. I am suspecting that you might be having some of the same issues.. Bryan runs a very reputable business, and his products are his livlihood (SP?) so I can't really say more than what I told Shaun when he asked how to respond to your question.. Basically when I received my gauges I was blown away by how awesome they were instead of looking at them to find out how he did it, so to be honest I don't even know 100% how he does it.. All I can confirm is that they are indeed assembled by hand.. when you receive your gauges your looking at a quality product that surpasses most if not all gauges I have seen out there at shows.. plus each one has about 5-6 hours or more of labor thrown in them..

So I ask you all do you want to pay 150-180 for something you can't guarentee to be perfect nor will backed to be 100% satisfaction guarenteed??? I wouldn't either..

but if you want the best in 100% CUSTOM DESIGNED GAUGES.. Intricate Lines is your best option and the best alternative to stock gauges out there for the price PLUS Bryan will back each and every set of gauges he ships out.. He's filled many Cougar gauge orders and every person was satisfied with their order and as far as I know none were ever the same.. each 100% custom rendered and designed for personally for them..


Crispy 99 Cougar - Arancio Atlas/Grey Graphite Pearl Custom Widebody 98 CSVT - Silver Frost #4014/6535 - Born 10/21/97 98 CSVT - Silver Frost #4085/6535 - Born 11/10/97 See My Rides