Originally posted by MarkusSVT:
are the prices for this the same as on NYMYCAT's site, because those are quite steep......

The pricing is dependant on what Bryan determines -- he will base this on how labor intensive they are.. If your gauges are easier than the Cougar than I would expect that cost to go down.. again, it is something entirely up to him and Shaun when they talk about designs and what the most demand is for.. so if you have opinions and suggestions on what you all should seek as a group let it be known befire things roll too far into production.

BTW -- Thanks Bnoon.. I'll check in with both Bryan and Shaun soon to see how everything is progressing and get back to you..

Crispy 99 Cougar - Arancio Atlas/Grey Graphite Pearl Custom Widebody 98 CSVT - Silver Frost #4014/6535 - Born 10/21/97 98 CSVT - Silver Frost #4085/6535 - Born 11/10/97 See My Rides