Originally posted by StaticTour96:
you guys are fockers I was just asking a question you dont have to bust on me

Kudos to you for being creative. I'm a composites guy and have been toying around with ideas for making graphite fenders/hoods and even load-bearing parts in order to drop weight on my 98 - Just need an oven, raw materials...

Time is money, and trust me, you don't wanna do the next iteration on a sway bar design. 100 bucks, done deal - rippin' corners. Use that energy to bolt on that mod and come up with another way to be quicker/faster/tighter that someone else hasn't thought of . You just might start a business.

Munch 12/99-04/03: 98 SE V6 MTX w/ "reliability mods" 04/03-: 02 Taurus