I wouldn't worry about bankruptcy anytime soon.

Update: Much like the carbon fiber engine covers we had made that are sitting on the dock in Oakland, CA, we're expecting a call to update us on the status tomorrow. We left two messages yesterday, and I'll call again tomorrow if we don't get a call from them to find out the status of the prototype's delivery.

Just for clarification- the prototype isn't sitting on the dock with our engine covers. But it should follow shortly, as the order for the hoods was placed a couple of months after the order for the engine covers. Since we're getting finished product on the first item, we expect finished product on the second item not much longer afterwards...

You'll never find us 'too busy' with 'life' to respond or update, as this IS our LIFE, and we're more than happy to be BUSY with it.

2001 ATX V6 Dark Shadow Grey Merc Cougar(Sport Pkg, ABS, traction control and sunroof )