i recieved 2 more payments but i do not know who they are from!!!!! could everyone PM me with their shipping info, i will need to know anyways, so i might as well as now.... thanks everyone... Also, i will need to wait till tomorrow morning to figure out how much extra shipping to canada will be, so dont worry, i will get the prices no prob.... What i might end up needing to do though, is have them sent to me, and then in turn send them to you guys.... If this is kosher, then send me the 78, and we will go from there, the shipping time will more than likely be the same, and i can quote you for just the shipping price, to make sure that the company isnt dicking around with you guys...... Also, i am not quite sure, but Arcticsvt, are you from alaska???? what the Hell are you doing in alaska????? enough with the joking though... their shipping prices might only be for the Lower 48 states, so once again, you might need to pay a little extra.... send me your adress, and i will let you know...

Once again, everyone, sorry about the delays, but as this is my first group buy, these problems i have not thought of before..... Also, i am getting this too, so i am just as frustrated as you may be... Thanks for everyons patience, and if anyone has any questions, please contact me along with your PM info.....

Thanks again,

98 SVT #4636/6535 T-Red/midblu http://www.pbase.com/markussigpi/galleries FOR SALE: My Car.....