Hey sounds like Fun!!!!!!! Yea we can meet up...we will be up there on Fiday evening....Im not sure what hotel (thats cheap) is near the track...if you could do me a favor and get me a number for a few of a cheap hotels near the track, that would be cool...and make sure its in a safe area too.

But yea carting sounds fun....I can't wait to go...... I will let you know soon exactly what time i should be there.
And my number is well....i'll om you that.call any time after 530pm....becasue im at work all day till then..weekends you can call any time.


Last edited by Roz 1999 SVT-C; 03/26/03 05:06 PM.

3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles