I'd like to thank everyone who posted...i have recived some very important and intresting information.

I think the last question i have is:

I have been using mobile one since i got my car in sept. of 2002. It had 72,000 miles on it...should i ahve changed the gakets on my car when i did this? Because when i changed the oild eveything was fine for a month or 2 then as the system starth cleaning out, i noticed a leak near, or possibly comming fomr the oil pan.

Any thoughts??? And it looks like the oil is comming from the crank or the oil pan area, on the right side of the engine block(passanger side)? Any thoughts if its due to crank whip?


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles