Originally posted by AirKnight:
That's a mere 6HP, and consider the standard error on dyno it can probably turn out to be no gain. I'm not running synthetic because of the possible gain, but rather for better protection of the engine.

First of all, anyone who says "a mere 6hp" just doesn't get it.

Secondly, the body of tests out there that show consistent, repeatable gains is considerably large, and I would say, significant. It's not always 6 hp, since it really depends on the engine, and of course the best gains come when the whole drivetrain is converted. But, geez.

Somebody said synth is "overkill." I suppose that's true for some, and dino is fine for most drivers. But I'm a devoted convert.

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998