Originally posted by hetfield:
German: stubborn, drunk or sober (but they make damn fine cars)
Irish: drink and fight
Scottish: drink and f**k
Russian: stubborn, drunk or sober (but they make damn fine vodka)

Wow, what a combination. I managed to avoid the Russian and Scottish blood myself, but my stepfather is part Russian, so I still know how it is

I think it might be my English blood conflicting with my Irish blood that causes my hangovers.

BTW, I'm going to hell for this post.

going to hell for what
looks like you nailed all four on the head
BTW do I need to try and drink more to get a hangover??? I don't think so I think more would kill me... what I drink now says I should be dead from alcohol poisoning.

2003 Subaru WRX some mods Even if you don't have the answer, you certainly have to admire the problem. aka ZetecRacing