since you guys are so bummed out all the time I thought I would tell you a little story about what happened to me tonight. Ok so I am in the shower and I am liking it cause I have been working on my car all day. well I hear a noise in the pipes and I am like WTF and then the water just goes as hot as possible and burns the piss out of me and I cant get out of its war path so I end up falling out of the shower taking the curtin and rod with me and hitting the floor and by now the shower is spraying on the floor as well and it is still hot as [censored] so I get up to turn it off and slip on the floor (I tiled the bathroom this summer and it looks great to. Keyword: I) hitting the toilet which by the way hurt like a mother then I finaly get to the shower to turn that sheiot off. Lets just say I am in a little bit of pain now. my sholder hurts from hitting the floor and toilet. hopefully that will make some of you laugh and just cheer up, there is no need to be all sad and mad and whatever we all are. (I am prolly gonna go to hell for this but) God's got this schitt

Trollin the boards as of 9/23
Originally posted by GS474:
stock hp is never enough