I have giving up AOL as well I am only going to be on the forums. and to start the working out process I would just like to say "This is so stupid of us to act like this we are not little kids and we dont have to fight and have all this drama. I for one am sick of it and i know others are to, it like you guys almost wont drop it. I know that I did and then I was talking with some people and it came up again. it really doesnt matter much cause in a year we wont remember it anywho and if this is how you guys want to spend your time that is fine but I know my friend is leaving in three months and wont be around for a long time and I would rather not spend my time fighting when we could be having fun before he leaves." there I have said it. It is over for me I have forgotten about it and would like to move on and if you guys are wanting to settle this then you will do the same.

Trollin the boards as of 9/23
Originally posted by GS474:
stock hp is never enough