I'm figuring with my extended redline and smaller pulley I'm probably able to go up to the 15 psi range on my 3L but I don't plan on running that high unless I'm really in the mood to blow something up. I'm upgrading my BOV as well so at least I'll be able to adjust it on that route. I saw 9 psi at 6K when the engine blew last time and this time I'm running a smaller pulley yet and the redline is going to be set at 8K. I'm not sure of the vortech stuff as I didn't look too closely. Basically this is a spearco core and then the rest of the kit was put together by Keyser and I'm making the modifications to fit it for the vortech. From holding it up in place it should be a very nice install.


Owner of 00 #1611 Silver (Totalled) 98.5 T-Red SVT #6180 Buckshot77@msn.com Misc 3L parts for sale