Hello frenchblueC2!

You're right, I didn't initially read every post in this thread. Posts that have two or three or more red angry rage icons I skip since rants aren't usually very interesting - or informative. But on your advice I have gone back and read the ENTIRE thing.

The one post I did initially read seemed to pretty clearly say to heck with this GB and everyone in it. Now though, having read EVERYTHING I see that there is a much more extensive and colorful and angry history behind these remarks...


I think GBs are all about the opportunity to purchase cool equipment for our cars at a discount - while having fun doing it. People will participate in a GB if the quality is there, the price is right and its FUN. Nobody is going to join one of these because they've been bullied or pushed into it.

How did so much anger get mixed into this GB? From previous posts (the ones I didn't read the first time through) it seems even the vendor is unhappy. Big mistake. We shouldn't upset a quality GB vendor. Even if there are not enough participants we should just thank the vendor kindly, let them know they are always welcome here and encourage them to try again when the timing is better. I think that vendors don't do enthusiast GBs so much for profit as for the good product visibility!

Please guys, don't flame me on this, its common sense!
(and you can be sure the vendors read these posts)

I try to remember this is a hobby and that we work on and improve our cars because it's fun! If being a car enthusiast starts inducing rage, it's definitely time to take a break.

If its' a consolation to anyone, if I could go back and rewrite my post in question I would omit any mention of what seemed a needlessly hostile previous post. Oh yes I would definitely leave out any mention...

Hey, anyone want to get back to talking about what a great product these headers are and how the deadline for participating is just a few days away?! I think I might be in the market for another set of these late this year when I do my 98 SVT (next winter's project!).

99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 20K miles, "Nice Twin" (factory stock). 99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 28K miles, "Evil Twin" (Turbo AER 3L and more in progress) 96 Red LX, Opal Grey Leather 2.5L, ATX, 22K miles