I guess if after reading a lot of what is on this site, you still have to ask why people like their contours, then maybe this isn't for you?

Just a thought....

But I'll answer your question anyways....

I like my car cause it hauls tail and it corners like it's on rails. Plus it looks sweet. Pretty much the bottom line. I really don't need anything else out of my vehicle. Yeah I've spent some cash on her, well about $3500 in the last month, another $1000 going into a new clutch next week. But I don't mind dumping huge amounts of my money into it, I love it, it's my favorite thing to do in my freetime, besides my girlfriend .

Oh yeah, SVT stands for Special Vehicle Team. I.E. the team of engineers that designed that particular model. They've also done the Mustang Cobra, Focus SVT and the F150 Lightning SVT (which are all still currently being produced).