Okay folks, I have one person out of state willing to ship their hood to us so we can get this going. We now have a donor hood that will be on its way. I'm not going to have him ship his hood to us if we don't have the 15 committed buyers that we need though! We simply don't have the kind of money to pay out of pocket to get these made.

SO! Tomorrow afternoon, I'll verify that he is willing to ship and ensure that there are no in-state donors, then we'll get the ball rolling to take deposits. Once we have the 15 deposits, he'll ship the hood to us so we can get it sent overseas for manufacture.

Warning! There will be a 5 day window in which to make deposits! This is so that if we don't get enough, we can refund to you guys (via PayPal) with no penalties! So, I want at least 15 people to reply here, PM me or send me an email (norcalcoug@norcalneco.com) if they will be able to make the deposit ($425) starting, say, Jan 6th-Jan 11th.

That should cover the end of one pay week and the end of another for those who are paid either weekly or every two weeks.

2001 ATX V6 Dark Shadow Grey Merc Cougar(Sport Pkg, ABS, traction control and sunroof )