Well, we have 16 for Alternator and we just need 1 more person for the P/S

I just tried contacting the shop and they were close (couldn't get out of my exam early on friday either)
What they told me before was it would take 2 weeks to make them all. So when I receive all the payments they will start (if they are not closed because of holidays of course)

Does anyone know if I send money to my bank account through paypal do I get charged in any way?

Anyways, sorry about not being able to update this often (damn exams, but they are now over WOHOOO)
If we can't get one more person I'll try to put in the money for it to get it going

3.0 14.392@97.237 2.302 60ft OEM 4-bolt LCA's $105 each Watch me go