Well kermit and anyone else I might have upset. I'm done messing around and would like to let you'll know I was only messing around because I was bored and it just seemed like fun at the time. I want to let everyone know that I really admire alot of what some of these "Ricers" do. 80% of the ricers cars I see wouldn't look all that bad if they would just learn they don't need a wing for" take off" on there cars. Kermit I wish you all the best of luck in your euro tail lights search and all the best of luck with anything you do to your car. When you get some pics tooken post them so we can all see how you are doing with your car. I look forward to meeting you at nationals so I can see your car in person and we can laugh at this stupidity together.

Adam Electric Red 95 Ford Contour GL ATX Zetec Born on 11/01/94 (The Official SCCEG Beater.) Coming soon... Micah's Pre98 SVT Front Bumper and SVT body kit. **1BADTOUR**