Kermit man I cant even argue with you anymore. When I wrote that post I was like asleep to so easy up off. If you want to get some altezza's then go for it but like stolon said dont expect a large crowd to back you up for getting them. But man we need to calm this crap down cause we arent getting anywhere by it. so lets all just chill. when you get them please send me a pic so I can see. Cause I really want to have something to laugh at so hard I am on the floor, and IIRC you are the moron that painted that wipers to arent you?? well that will look good with your Altezza's and fart pipe, hell the honda owners are so dumb now a days you could probably just tell them that it is the new 2004 and they would belive you. Oh and dont for get to lose the rims and get some steelies so can be just like all the rest of them out there. also did you get your tire flies yet?? what color did you get? I cant wait to see you roll in to nationals. I have a feeling you will be rolling out just as fast as you came in.

Trollin the boards as of 9/23
Originally posted by GS474:
stock hp is never enough