Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
it's funny, it almost seems that you don't like euros/altezzas just because they're widely/cheaply available for hondas. i bet you would love them if they were available for few vehicles.
WELL WELL, WELL... Looks like you just stuck your head up your a$$ even farther. You just hit the nail on the head. They ARE CHEAPLY available and I'm NOT talking about price... First of all, they are cheap. So obviously you don't have any class by the fact that you even remotely think that by putting these on a contour that it will make it look different or even good... WTF kind of comment it this???? Yeah it will look different, but maybe that's what you need is to make your tour look different so people won't actually think it's a contour. Because I wouldn't want people to actually know WTF it is. And what exaclty is wrong w/ getting the body kit? NOTHING. unless it's some freakin' widebody which would look like total A$$ on a tour. Oh, and personal words first hand from static. "PISS OFF!!" and for all of those that are liking the altezzas... you need to advertise this...