Originally posted by stolontour97:
Originally posted by JiggaJerry:
you people put too much effort into being anti-rice

its just a car, calm down

what can I say, it's a hobby. hehe but seriously. When you see as many pos honda's driving around w/ all that crap here like we have it, it all screams the same thing. "I have no creativity because I have to look like jo shmo w/ the civic... And around here, all that crap dominates the hondas so when someone show up w/ this crap on a non honda it seriously screams "I WANT MY CAR TO LOOK LIKE A RICED OUT CIVIC." and even more so screams "i have to be a follower, not a creator" You see, everyone that wants to make their tours unique would probably get more props for doing so if they would actually take the time and effort to do something completely different, not copying the import aftermarket. You want to make your car stand out? smoke the taillights, clear the corners or even get CREATIVE and do like static and I did w/ the tails. Shave the door handles and antenna, maybe even the trunk key thing. Add a DECENT body kit, nice rims and lowering. But wait... it's so much easier to just go w/ the flow and copy everyone else. you want recognition and to stand out? be my guest, but all you're going to get is "Oh, that's JUST a pimped out CONTOUR.... ROTFLAMO!!!!" And trust me, that's exactly what you'll hear... Try driving a True bonified CSVT around.... ya know most of people's thoughts? It's JUST a soupped up CONTOUR... no recognition from the looks... the car earns it's respect by its performance and handling when you take em' for a ride or hand them their a$$. So do what you want w/ your car, because after all it IS your car and YOUR money, just don't expect to get rave reviews from other rice growers, and especially from us, and I know I can speak for my entire crew. BTW, this isn't directed at any ONE person in particular, rather the group as a whole...

Truer words have never been spoken.

Adam Electric Red 95 Ford Contour GL ATX Zetec Born on 11/01/94 (The Official SCCEG Beater.) Coming soon... Micah's Pre98 SVT Front Bumper and SVT body kit. **1BADTOUR**