dave said

"Here is another thing you may find interesting (but will probably dismiss as merely physics). In order for a 12" driver to produce 100 dB at 20 hz, it would have to move 17mm one way. In order for an 8" to produce 100dB at 20 hz, it would have to move 41mm one way. For a 5" to play 20 hz at 100 dB, it would need to be able to move 82mm one way. This was assuming a sealed box. A ported box can change things drastically. "

you know dave cone excursion is not the only component that determines how low can one go. The enclosures is very important as well. Think Bose. Transmissions line designs having very long line or enclosure length yielding compact speakers using small driver that deliver low bass. I went to the HIFi show this past May2002 at the Hilton and saw a few compact transmission line designs that gave very low extension. Yet in car audio the only discussion when it comes to a sub is normally box cubic volume.

Dave are there any car subs out there that use long snaking transmission lines to generate bass? Now since watts are cheaper these days an inefficient transmission design is more feasible I would think.

Last edited by contour_phoenix_when; 11/12/02 09:59 PM.