Originally posted by 2000v6SE:
"FORD would NEVER let me even go 'back there' into their sacred work area"

Dealers are independent franchises, NOT Ford Motor Co.. I had my share of bad and good dealers, if they give you problems, then complain to Dearborn. If it's out of warranty, then it's a dealer problem. Even Import car dealers have their share of *&^%$#@'s

I'm NOT saying you don't have valid complaints, just take it out on dealer, not the whole industry.

Also: "I have caught them (Ford Dealer) hot rodding my car..."

Who is to say that an independent shop won't "hot rod" a car?? I've heard of horror stories with gas stations and repair shops, too. It's a matter of finding one you trust. It so happens I trust my Ford dealer near me. (Doesn't mean I trust 'em all!)

There are good and bad dealership service departments I am sure. I will always think of my car being hot rodded when I think of Ford service department. That was quite a few years ago but I will never forget it. That is why I now intentionally buy only used cars with no warranty is because I want to avoid Ford service departments. I hope this does not happen often. I am not critisizing all Ford Service. I am sure there are good and bad service departments. The hot rodding happened in the Ford Dealership lot. That seems bad that the employee did this without fear of being caught.

The last time I took my car in for recall work to a different dealership the service was excellent.