The Mustang still won the Pony Race, they don't even sell Camaros because they wern't selling compared to Mustangs. Don't get me wrong I love the Camaro (probably more than the Mustang).

Consider this:

Ford had no "supercar" like Chevy did with their Corvette. Ford had the potential to make their Mustang faster and faster without worrying about making it faster than some "supercar." Chevy couldn't put out a Camaro faster than it's own Corvette and sell it for way less than the Corvette. Of course we all know that the highest Camaro is basically a Corvette or vice versa. Chevy did a lot of damage to itself this way.

Chevy blames SUV popularity and that people don't want gashogs... hmmmmm there's a contridiction right there. They also blame the fact that people don't want sport cars any more... oh that explains why there's a shix load of Japanese sport cars comming over. The price was right but Mustangs still out did Chevy and Plastiacs.

Ford basically built a car that killed the competition. It's sad though, I mean it's great from the business aspect (i'm a marketing major so I love this) but no more rivalry. No more seeing a new camaro and mustang line up at the track...

Ford finally is changing the Mustang platform finally! Damn that cars been on the same platorm since the 70's.

So who's better?

Oh and why are you on a Ford Contour message board?