In case it has been overlooked, I would like to reiterate something:

I have been a member of CEG since June 9th of last year. I have dedicated a better part of my free time to the bettering of this club. I deem this club to be a part of my life, and that is how it is.

There is no doubt that some may think of this as pathetic or simply put a sorry statement. That is fine with me. As a metter of fact, you can come to me and tell it to me in my face. I would not mind!

On the other hand, I will stop at nothing to see that this club remains respected, and any situation that arises that endangers this will be tackled.

When it comes to CCEG, I am an extremist. I do not want to hear that we are just a bunch of guys with cars. If someone has something against this sort of dedication, that that is too bad, for if you are not a participating and willing member of this club, then the real question is why are you here in the first place.

When we are together at meets, we are the tightest group that there is in the CEG. This was evidenced in SZ, when we held center court for most of the time there. However, as soon as it is taken to the boards, somehing unusual happens: WE EAT EACH OTHER!!! WHY?!?!

I am tired of people asking me why are we so crazy? I am tired of people using us as the example of absurdity and nonsense. What is so difficult in getting along?

I ask all of us to please have a meeting and bring anything that was ever a problem into the open. Only if we face the interpersonal problems will we find a solution.

Until we can do this, there is always going to be tension. Person A will boycott a meet because person B told them this; Person C will boycott another meet because person D told them that; Person E will boycott another meet because person F told them another thing...

We have all seen this happen more times than you think. It needs to stop. All we will do is repel possible members and cause the existing ones to leave in shame...