Originally posted by HisSvt:

you just didnt get what i said last night did you , i wasnt dishing anything out and if you think i can't take it, take what ? i didnt ridicule you at all , YOU are the one that went into another forum and started speaking from the ass... you guys say were all boys , NO were not i've known joe for a long time but most of you guys i Barely know and some of you i talk to often , so honestly i dont care i dont really need or want any more friends , and the comment you made about me saying what i'm doing was just gay and made no damn sense. IF you had taken the time to read ALL the other post devoted to that topic you would have seen that certain people didnt want that subject taking up the forums and that was my point ......

so unless you know the whole deal SHUT THE HELL UP....
Here you go again with the insults. Can you talk and not insult people?? I guess not.

Joe, I'm still not understanding your behavior. Either I am mistaking you with the guy that I thought you were, or you are a complete [censored]? So which one is it then?

As far as my thread, I don't give a flying [censored] who doesn't like to what I write!!! So don't give me this shitt about you just wanting to point out what "other" people did not want to read. I don't give a [censored]!!!

And besides the last time I checked, only Kevin had the authority to monitor what is right or wrong on here.

And where do you get involved with me "talking out of my azz" in the other Forum. It is obvious that Little Joe made us all look like zhit in there. Mike never directly called him the jelaous azzhole, so why did he take offense then? If he was not jelaous of Hector, then why the defensive attitude then.

All of this is [censored] bullshitt, and it is totally lame. And Little Joe, you don't own the goddamn Zetec forum, so don't tell others that they don't belong there...