Originally posted by Quicksilver:
Originally posted by HisSvt:
you are so ignorant, your post was just a another post like a bunch about that happening. and i never said hey i'm doing this i ask if anybody else was doing anything so learn how to read..
This is what I don't get about you. You can talk smack all you want, but when someone turns the tables you can't take it. You are quick to ridicule people, but when it turns around, you get all bent out of shape. If you can't stand when people ridicule you, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself then.

And why resort to name calling anyways Joe? I am ignorant huh? Why don't you look at the mirror some time. It could give you some important answers...

you just didnt get what i said last night did you , i wasnt dishing anything out and if you think i can't take it, take what ? i didnt ridicule you at all , YOU are the one that went into another forum and started speaking from the ass... you guys say were all boys , NO were not i've known joe for a long time but most of you guys i Barely know and some of you i talk to often , so honestly i dont care i dont really need or want any more friends , and the comment you made about me saying what i'm doing was just gay and made no damn sense. IF you had taken the time to read ALL the other post devoted to that topic you would have seen that certain people didnt want that subject taking up the forums and that was my point ......

so unless you know the whole deal SHUT THE HELL UP....