Originally posted by ATL-SVT:
Rich, since I don't have time at the moment to read all 4 pages of this thread.... I am set on being there. Right now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to Register or just show up with the group? . I'd like to register, but it depends on whether or not I get all my engine stuff powder coated in time? So I'm in, I'm coming with the contour Group and I'm gonna bring some others with me (I dunno if that matters as far as head count goes?) I read something about email correspondance for finalizing plans..... My email is:




Kool!!! I would show if you can...but...it would be even better if there is something that your car has that is different from other SRT's. If you are bringing more people, that is cool, I will need you to get their info and you will be their 411 at the event.

Be thinking about your cellphone, its battery capacity, whether you will be roaming in Atlanta Georgia and make necessary changes.

Be thinking about whether or not you will be rooming two days or one and I need to get with everyone that will be there that day to see who I can trust with the lists and who can get events planned for Sunday since I will not be there. If this is you, you need to be really pumped up about this, and be ready to motivate people so that no one gets left behind. I also need you to be sober...Hahahahaa...why cuz NOPI starts early in the morning and you are gonna need to be game early on so that you hava game plan.

Be thinking about your cash flow status as well. You will need to eat. Also think about whether you can stand long amounts of heat and tire rubber burning smell and lots of people.

Remember to get LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND....you get the idea....of film or if you go digital, lots of dig media for your camera...you won't be dissappointed

Parking situation will have to be monitored on a cosistant basis....why? Because, parking at NOPI will be everywhere and will fill everywhere...I say this to you so that if you have the "perfect place" to park the group, as the group comes in and gets situated, we may want to move the cars to your "perfect parking spot"

Anyone know if SuperStreet has come out with their 2003 guide yet? I will be checking soon.

FYI those of you with last years guide, there was a grey contour....looks SVT in the shot with the cars.

OK I am late for work....keep an eye on the bottom of these pages for updates.

The ball has started rolling


Gotcha Ryan----will add soon

Last edited by sosaudio1; 08/29/03 07:40 PM.

'04 Ecotec Cavi 140hp/150tq Fabbed intake. Header Coming, DRL's disabled, X-Drilled/slotted rotors coming....Man you really are fast. You were hauling a$$ when I passed you RB&LB causing problems in Huntsville