Well, I did some more testing. I jacked up the pass. side wheel, cranked it up and put it in first. The wheel turned and there was a slightly audible clicking coming from the center of the car.
I then jacked up the drivers side too, leaving both wheel suspended. Put the car in gear and the wheels didn't turn at all, however I could spin the pass. side wheel and it would be powered for a little bit but slowly come back to a halt. The drivers side wheel had no such luck.
I then lowered the pass. side and left the drivers side up. put the car in gear and it didn't turn. If I tried to give it a little spin start, it woudl catch for a little bit, and spin but with very loud grinding/clicking.

So I'm guessing the problem lies between the differential and the Axle. The whole axle spins fine up to the housing. Which is more inclined to break? The splines on the axle or an output shaft on the differential?
Anyone have any thoughts?


P.S. Kristo: I'm glad that you're happy and all, but it really sucks for me because I'm going to have to be very miserly over the summer to pay this off and because I never treat my car like you do yours. It's never seen any big burn outs, any super hard drag races, nothing super intense...

Chris Hinds
1998 Contour GL Duratec 5-Spd
15.610 @ 89.62mph
And I payed for it all myself