1999 csvt, second owner, 53,000
Hey guys i just wanted to add my two cents, i have not really had to much difficulty with first and second but sometimes i just cant find the shift point. I stress sometimes because its not a normal occurrence and i often forget about.

My main gripe and concern is the grinding i experience when trying to shift into 2nd gear. There is no popping out of gear its just that if i dont fit it in just right then i get a grinding noise. When i concentrate on my shifting i pusht he shift back and to the right and i have no problem. This is why i cant seeing it being the tranny because then wouldnt there be extreme difficulty getting it into gear?

I am by no means even close to being an expert on what i am saying i am just trying to use this rationale because when i brought he car to the dealer, which is still covered under warranty, and they told me it would cost an hour fee to check the car and that it was probably going to be the tranny. They told me that they didnt do any tranny fixes onsight and that they would have to take it out of my car and send it to ford. From there ford would inspect he tranny and determine if the tranny was "abused" or not and upon this determination would decide if they would foot the bill. I was also told that the clutch was not covered under the esp warranty.

I was like whatt he f**k, i have to take a chance that the guy i bought hte car from didnt abuse the car and have my car in the shop for two weeks possibly to find out that i might have to actually pay for the tranny. Thats why i have been seriuosly investigating the problem.
Any help, suggestions or contradictions to what dealer says would really help.

I want to be ready the next time i go to the dealer, i didntrealize it would be that difficult, i bought a ford because it's american made and was hoping that i would have an easier time and less expensive repair costs... not planning on repairs be easy to come by.
Thanks for any help in advance .