Welcome to the twilight zone....

I had a call from my Ford dealer today to let me know the good people at Ford HQ have revised the MTX-75 yet again, and this revision, supposedly, is intended to address exactly the problem I and another SVT owner in Ottawa have been having (won't go into 1st or reverse from a stop).

I mentioned the shift shaft bolt, and the service guy said he wasn't sure about that. He says on jobs like this, the local techs are forbidden from opening the tranny (!!), so they have no way of knowing whether the shaft bolt is the problem.

So...soon, I shall have transmission number 3 (not counting the original)

Someday, I shall look back on all this b-s and smile, but for the moment, it's getting to be a real pain in the bum. (pardon my explicit language; I'm very upset)

99SVT black/tan
2725 of 2760