Okay, now that I have a few hundred kilometres on the new (third) transmission, I can say this one does exactly the same thing: Won't go into first or reverse at a stop. I am thinking that maybe the tranny is not the problem? I mean, what are the odds I would get three bad transmissions in a row?

My dealer here in Ottawa has put out a call for help to the other Ford dealers in this area (about a half-dozen of them) to see if any of them have come across this problem, and if they've been able to fix it.

I'm telling the dealer I consider this a safety problem, and I plan to tell Ford the same thing: If I'm sitting at a stop light on a snowy day, and some jackass comes racing up behind me, I'd like to be able to move my car without wasting five seconds trying to find first gear.

99SVT black/tan
2725 of 2760