I bought my 98.5 in March of this year. It had a similar paint problem on the dealer's lot. There were "crows feet" all over the horizontal surfaces of the car. Little white speckles where the clearcoat had failed I assume. Needless to say it was out of warranty (38k) but I did convince the dealer to repaint most of the car as part of the deal. I ended up paying 12,800 and got a fine car. I've seen many with the same problem and there is no fix to my knowledge. You gotta repaint it but you HAVE TO take it all the way down to bare metal, otherwise the same thing will happen again. GM's had the same problem in the mid 80s with all of their dark colored paints (especially black). They were nice enough to recall it, unlike Ford. Good luck and let me know how things work out.

1998.5 SVT "Black and Blue" #5292
See here for MOD list.
"Washing your car to make it rain does not work."