Well, whatever. You seem to have matured a little since your last post. A little, but certainly not a lot. Your attitude that because you seemingly didn't have problems, therefore there should not be a recall ("don't even think about condemning all 95 springs") is simply pure ignorance. That is what is very arrogant and self-centered. Nothing else in this thread has been so. Again, you have yet to provide any logical argument as to why there should not be a recall.

My membership on this forum in no way has any bearing on my knowledge of automobiles. That was your pathetic attempt to make yourself sound more intelligent, and it failed miserably. I am concerned for my safety, and that of my family. (that was a really stupid remark on your part also, as I have a wonderful marraige. I would not trade my family for the world. I don't expect you to understand that until you have a family of your own. Parenthood changes you. Well, most people anyway.)

I am also concerned for the safety of every other Contour owner out there. It doesn't matter how good the suspension on these cars is, if the spring breaks, cuts the tire, and causes you to get in an accident. What are you going to have inscribed on your grave? "At least my Mondeo handled well, up to the point where it killed me"?) lol Now that is the very definition of ignorance!

95 Contour SE automatic, 37,000 miles

"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive." - President George W. Bush

95 Contour SE ATX V6
"Cracked" Secondaries
DMD Installed
SVT Brakes