Um, that had what to do with the topic at hand? More irrelevant drivel because you cannot refute the logical conclusion that there is a problem with the springs, I see. Well, your attempts at insulting me mean nothing.

I have made logical arguments for my side. Your argument so far has consisted of, "it's just the luck of the draw." Well, I don't consider my life, or the lives of the people who drive on the highway with me, to be so frivolous as to leave it to "the luck of the draw". Maybe you do. I guess some people were never taught to respect the safety of others around them. If you are that self-centered, that is your business. I feel sorry for you. That is the only thing I am sorry for in my posts here.

Think about this: In every recall, there are a number of the recalled parts that will perform like they should. Perhaps you got lucky. The reason for the recall is that there are many more parts that have demonstrated a propensity for failure, and their failure poses a significant risk to the safety, even the very lives, of the consumer. That is clearly the case here.

Now, let me ask you this question: Do you have children? (I do, three in fact) Would you trust your life and the lives of your children to these springs and their DEMONSTRATED PROPENSITY FOR FAILURE? I will not. I will replace my front springs with non-Ford parts as soon as I get the car back. I will keep my receipts in case Ford does get smart and issues a recall.

In all of this, I never meant to insult you. In fact, if you go back and read, you will see that on more than one occasion, I stated that failing to detect spring breakage is not your fault. Nor is it the result of a lack of any training. I am sure that you are a fine mechanic. That is not the issue. Your taking my statements as a personal attack on you, and then returning that attack, only serves to demonstrate your immaturity.

Last, I don't believe that any reasonable person will trust their safety to "the luck of the draw".

[This message has been edited by Sandman333 (edited April 23, 2001).]

"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive." - President George W. Bush

95 Contour SE ATX V6
"Cracked" Secondaries
DMD Installed
SVT Brakes