Oh, and this takes the cake on Ford's poor attitude on this subject.

When I turned my car in to the dealer for the springs/oil leak/trans leak/heater core leak recently (all under extended warranty), they told me they would not return the car to me because it was too dangerous to drive with the broken coils in the back. Ok, fine. I have no problem with that. I then told them of the extended warranty on the front coils, and that I would like them replaced as a precautionary measure, given that the rears on my car had already broken and the majority of complaints listed in these forums and on the NHTSA site were for multiple broken springs on both the front and rear of the car. The Ford dealer told me that it was Ford's policy not to replace these springs until they actually broke.

Let me get this straight: Ford will not let me drive my car because of the danger that broken springs present. At the same time, they would rather endanger my life with the other set of springs and save a few bucks. Hmmm..... does this make any sense to anyone other than Y2KMondeoSVT?

95 Contour SE automatic, 37,000 miles

"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive." - President George W. Bush

95 Contour SE ATX V6
"Cracked" Secondaries
DMD Installed
SVT Brakes