But if you look for it & feel around a bit , sometimes you'll find it .

Really, I like that. SOMETIMES. Well, Mr. Genius, my left rear only broke recently. At least, the latest break was within the last few weeks. When I get the pictures back and post them, you will see that there was a previous break all the way at the top of the spring, and that piece is nowhere to be found. It is most likely that this piece that broke off fell along the highway somewhere. It's lucky that it did not cut a tire and cause an accident. At least one complaint on the NHTSA site reported a roll-over due to a broken spring destroying a tire.

Now, had the piece that I found fallen out on the highway somewhere, I would never have know that my spring had broken a second time, much less the first time.

Also, as for your remark about future problems with other years, please! I have a 1995 Windstar also. It currently has 112,000 miles, and the original springs. These springs are nearly rust-free, and show absolutely no signs of breakage or defects. These springs are MUCH easier to inspect due to the design of the vehicle. I can be sure that they are ok, whereas no one can be sure that the Contour springs are ok without removing the spring/strut assembly. Why can't you get that through your thick skull? I can't currently do a search of the NHTSA site for complaints of coil spring breakage on 1995 Windstars due to NHTSA updating their site. However, I would be willing to wager a bet that there are very few to no complaints of this problem on the Windstar.

Additionaly, my vehicle only has 37,000 miles. There is no way that the coil springs should break at that mileage unless the car was repeatedly dropped on its wheels. I seriously doubt that is the case.

Last, according to your way of thinking, we would never get the manufacturer to recall anything (ie, it is just the luck of the draw). Well, that is total bullsh!t! We need an investigation started before even one more person is killed/injured by this. There is a preponderance of evidence here that suggests there is a problem. All you have to do is open your eyes and look.

95 Contour SE automatic, 37,000 miles

[This message has been edited by Sandman333 (edited April 22, 2001).]

"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive." - President George W. Bush

95 Contour SE ATX V6
"Cracked" Secondaries
DMD Installed
SVT Brakes