I've got some! Utah is cooler because it has its own beaches that surround salt water.

One point.

Said lake is the largest salt water lake in North America.

Another point.

That lakes average depth is 13-24 feet. It covers, on average, 1,000 sq mi.

Another point.

This lake is actually TWO lakes because of a railroad bridge that was built across it. The bridge was designed to let water flow freely between the sides, it didn't work, so we have, actually, two salt water lakes.

Another point.

The south half of the lake has a salt content of about 5-10%. You will float without even trying.

Another point.

The north half of the lake, since it is so much smaller then the south half, and has no way to let its minerals out, has a MUCH higher salt content. There are so many minerals in the north half that its salt content, IIRC, is between 25-30%!

Another point.

The north half of the lake is red!

Ten points!!!

We also have a salt plant, Morton Salt, IIRC, so Utah actually supplies parts of the rest of the country with salt. We are feeding you guys because you suck!

Another point.

This salt lake was once a much larger lake, Lake Bonneville, and it was 305m deep!

Another point.

You can see the old water levels on the mountains.

Another point.

And when the ancient lake Bonneville left, it gave us a gift. The Bonneville salt flats.

Another point.

People race cars at extremely high speeds on these salt flats! You may have heard of them?

Thats worth about 30 points.

The salt flats are flat enough that you can actually see the curve of the Earth.

1,000 coolness points!

Oh, and gambling is less then two hours away from Jared. Hes in SLC, and Wendover is only about two hours from SLC.

Another five points.

So, that gives Utah 1,055 coolness points!!!! We kick ass!

Oh, and I have fresh donuts. So I am now cooler. I am going to eat one, then go install my tweeters in my Contour.

· Jon Miconi · Coming Soon! · 01 Cougar · 98 V70R