While oranges is a good guess the answer I was looking for was Elmo. Elmo is the reason I didn't go to work.... all those freakish little red things staring at me from the shelves... judging me... AHHHHH

So here are our standings:

Pete D: 1/2 point (oranges does deserve some credit, as Elmo is red, which could be considered red to people wearing tinted glasses

jsujo: 1 point, not including the one on his head

Dnewma04: 1/2 (he lost a point because he told me there is no 12 AM or 12 PM which came as a shock to me causing me to go bald prematurely which surely is the cause of my ungetlaidability)

Everybody else: no points because you are all idiots! idiots I tells you! Well... not idiots... maybe just mildly retarded...

Today's Question:

Is there such thing as 12AM and 12 PM?

The correct answer wins a date with three women* of thier choosing!

Good luck to all contestants!

*may not be actual women, may even be me and two hobos dressed in drag.

2003 Ford Focus ZX3 "Tarmac" http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2352003