The mayor of Philadelphia came on the radio at noon and said the following: "Do not come into Philadelphia today, unless it is absolutely necessary or you are emergency personnel. If you are here and don't need to be, go home now."

I had class at Temple that evening but didn't go. Like I could concentrate on a lecture about finite state machines that evening. School was never officially cancelled but many professors cancelled class on their own. The mayor's words were all I needed, and I wanted to be at home that evening.

Of course, my prof (who is Vietnamese) held class, collected homework, and assigned new homework. All but two students in the class (me and another guy) were foreign Pakistani, Indian, or Chinese nationals, and they all showed up.

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm no racist, but I had trouble accepting this group of people treating Sept 11, 2001 as just another day at school. I no longer attend Temple University, and that was a big reason why.